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Timo van Beelen (EEMCS)

For activism in education

Faculty: EEMCS
Study: Electrical Engineering

Hi there! I am Timo van Beelen, currently a 22-year-old student who is finishing his bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering. During the time I have been at the UT I have not only been studying but also did some activism throughout the years. Last year I was part of the board of E.T.S.V. Scintilla as Commissioner of External and Educational Affairs, representing students’ interests within the university as well as outside of it. This year I was able to continue this within the university as part of the Faculty Council of EEMCS. In my belief active participation plays a key role in good education. Not just by being active outside of the study, but maybe more importantly that students can actively engage with their studies through close contact with teachers and a focus on learning together. If you share this view, I am more than happy to be able to represent you within any particatory body.