Do you want to be involved in the central UT policy? Are you looking for a way to actively participate in what’s going on at the UT? Do you want to represent the students’ opinion on university-wide topics?
Then you should consider joining the list of UReka!
In the upcoming weeks, we will host some interesting activities to show you why you should run for the university council with UReka and you are welcome to join and inform yourself. The first Activity will be an interesting talk about being a student active in the university council. The second activity will go a bit more into depth with some topics.

Interested ? Let us know!
Of course, you can also talk to any of the faction members if you have any questions or send a mail.
Some answers to your questions
What does it means to join the list ?
Every year UReka submits a list of 15 students that want to run during the election for the University council. During the annual election week all students of the UT can vote for who they want to represent them in the council.
If you join the list of UReka you and the other list members will work out the party program together and promote the campaign during the elections. In the end the students with the most votes will join the university council.
Why should I join the list of UReka ?
UReka is the student party that focuses on the quality of education and overall student well-being at the University of Twente. We think that every UT student needs to be certain to receive high quality education and a valuable degree. Next to that we think it is important that students are provided with an environment they feel comfortable to study in. This includes managing the growth of the University, supporting sustainability and student activism, facilitating transparency and being an international University. Overall we want to be the link between ALL the students and the University, improving the communication.
What does it mean to work in the University Council?

The university council is the central participation body of the UT and discusses regularly with the executive board. Members of the council have a say in the central policy of the university. Every year 9 students join the council to represent the students perspective.
This can include diverse topics such as: the housing plans, work spaces for students, de university budget, the strategic plan, the Twents Education Model (TEM or TOM in Dutch) or student guidance. You have right of say in determining the direction of the UT
Do you disagree with something the UT does? You have the right to do something about it!
Work in the UC is of course a lot of reading and having a lot of meetings, but the topics are often challenging and what you discuss often concerns all the students attending the UT. You also have the freedom to focus more or less on whatever topics you want. What is most important is that you represent the students as best as possible, as that is what you were elected to do. With UReka you can also participate in further projects at the UT.
Why work in the University Council?
In the university council you can have a real impact on very important matters. This is due to the right of consent the UC has when it comes to matters such as the organisation of quality assurance and graduation fairs. Beyond this, the UC has the right to give (un)solicited advice to the executive board, to which they are then obliged to respond.
2nd Activity
3r of March 13:00, online